Friday, January 20, 2012

The BEST side for chicken/fish/whatever

I have decided to revamp my long forsaken blog! Over the past year and a half a lot has changed.. For one, I've gone from the ripe age of 22, to the old, cat lady age of 24 (I kid!) and I've started back at the REAL USC (insert inappropriate Cock joke) as a Journalism major. More importantly I've had a chance to hone my writing skills, and eat a ton of great food. I'm still playing novice chef in the kitchen and plan on posting plenty of reviews along with my favorite recipes.

This first post back is dedicated to the side dish. If you're like me (& I know you are) you probably find yourself mulling around the kitchen or grocery store trying to figure out what will go along with your favorite protein. Sometimes deciding on a side is the hardest part, and I tend to make a lot of pasta or stir fry dishes in an effort to avoid such a dilemma. The recipe I am presenting you with today goes great with fish & chicken (& probably tofu- but I would not know as I am a pretty hardcore carnivore). I really enjoy this one because it's super easy, inexpensive and unique (plus it's tasty, duh). I found it in a great cookbook (pictured above) from one of my best friends (shout out to Laura), and it's become a staple in my recipe collection!

Without further ado I give you: Israeli Coucous with Zucchini, Red Bell Pepper & Parsley (pictured left w/grilled chicken)

What you shall need:
*2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil (please don't substitute extra slutty olive oil)
*1 small/med yellow onion, diced
*2 cloves of garlic minced (or if you're lazy like me you can use your garlic press)
*1.25 cups israeli couscous
*2 cups chicken stock (I like to use beef stock in place of chicken sometimes too)
*Fresh ground pepper
*1-2 zucchini (depending on size & preference), ends trimmed, cut into 1/4" dice
*1 small/med red bell pepper, seeded, deribbed & cut into 1/4" dice
*2 tablespoons minced fresh flat-leaf parsley

Your directions:
*Alright, grab a saute pan with a tight-fitting lid and heat the olive-oil over medium heat (make sure the pan is coated). Add the onion and garlic and saute, stirring constantly until just beginning to soften (about 2 minutes).

*Add the couscous and stir constantly until lightly browned (2-3 minutes).

*Add the stock along with some fresh pepper and bring to a simmer. Turn the heat to low, cover, and simmer until almost all of the liquid is absorbed (about 8 minutes)

*Stir in zucchini and bell pepper, cover and cook until the zucchini is bright green and tender (3-4 minutes)

*Stir in parsley and serve immediately!
******You can always add different or more veggies if you prefer!******

Impress yourself & your friends with this SUPER EASY side (you can thank me later), and make sure to check back for more updates and reviews in 2012!


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